so honesty, yeah honesty..
have you ever been honest in ur whole life?
no one can do that..
my opinion, i think honesty is like boasting..
i mean ok..
so if u uphold a very strong promise to urself that u will be honest for today, for example..
u had a nice dinner at a gourmet restaurant with all the fancy small serving food (no offence, i dun like gourmet food's portion coz i have a black hole for a stomach)..
u went back home and chat with ur friend, bla bla bla.. and the question, what u had for dinner?
well, not wanting to boast that u went to a gourmet restaurant and eaten a nice fish fillet with lobster sauce with steamed asparagus by the side.. (i just made that up though its actually quite nice)
and not wanting to tell a lie, how do you answered?
"i went to a restaurant and ate fish and veges.. its pretty good"
its the truth...
but still the question goes on..
"oh icic... erm.. which restaurant did u go?"
another truthful answer...
"a gourmet restaurant"
and the next thing people will go woah...
days felt bad bla bla bla..
small white lies may not hurt but i still think that honesty can sometimes be a little boast..
i didn mean that u must stay honest all ur life or u will be struck by lightning (touchwood! touchwood!) but its just my opinion and im crapping coz im staying in my mum's office hving nothing to do and thinking whether i should print a few scores... but i dun wan to waste paper.. =.=
ok bye peeps, thats all from me today...
hope u enjoyed everything in life..
p/s: still be honest with urself and people around u..
be honest to much more easier to be honest to hole gal~