Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Damn Water...

wat is this water that keep flowing out of my eyes?
why cant i wash it away?
why couldn't it stop?
why does it hurts inside not outside?

friendship found in games never stand a chance..
friendship found in school some won't last...
friendship found in the heart last forever...

im too sensitive..
can u understand it?
i feel everything...
can u accept it??

i kept it inside for too long it's going to burst...
will u be there to hold the bucket for me?
will u be the one who pats my head when im down?
will u be there by my side?



  1. babe..sry..sry tat i hurt u..reali sry..i shud take care of u more..i'm nt a gud fren..><

  2. no la........
    i hurt because of online friend de...
    ignore me the whole day..
